Teleflora's Field Of Butterflies with chocolates
Celebrate Mother's Day with an enchanted walk through a field full of butterflies! Sure to make Mom's heart take flight, this dreamy bouquet of lavender and pink roses is hand-delivered in a charming ceramic keepsake box with a box of chocolates.
Celebrate Mother's Day with an enchanted walk through a field full of butterflies! Sure to make Mom's heart take flight, this dreamy bouquet of lavender and pink roses is hand-delivered in a charming ceramic keepsake box with a box of chocolates.
Celebrate Mother's Day with an enchanted walk through a field full of butterflies! Sure to make Mom's heart take flight, this dreamy bouquet of lavender and pink roses is hand-delivered in a charming ceramic keepsake box with a box of chocolates.
Orientation : All-Around
All prices in USD ($)
This limited edition, charming vintage-style scalloped ceramic keepsake box with lid is the perfect gift for Mother's Day! Makes a lovely jewelry box. Available exclusively from Teleflora.
Standard - $65.00
Deluxe - $75.00
Premium - $85.00